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Welcome to the NN24 panel and training submission portal. This is a new system for us this year, so please be patient as we work through any kinks.

To submit, you must first create an account. Once you have an account, go to the home page and select “Start Submission”. You will use this to submit a training or panel submission for Netroots Nation 2024, for both virtual or in-person consideration. You may submit multiple proposals.

You can save your work as you go and come back to it later if you wish. Once your submission is complete, click Save and Finalize and then confirm your submission. If needed, you can come back and edit any part of your completed submission up to the Feb. 9 deadline.

Please check out our FAQ for more information on submitting proposals, timelines and expectations, as well as for links to Q&A sessions and recordings. If you need further assistance, email our team at panels@netrootsnations.org.